Service, Versatility, and Reliability– the ONLY way to rent Versa-Lifts.
At A1 Hevi-Lift Rentals, we set the bar for all three.”
Luke Willard,
A1 Hevi-Lift Rentals
Throughout the summer of 2016, A1 Hevi-Lift Rentals followed a crew of millwrights throughout the southeast relocating some of the largest plastic injection machines this side of the Mississippi. Using a team of Versa-Lifts from the Chattanooga rental fleet, including the only Wirelessly Remote Controlled 70t Rental Lift on the market, the 100/140 Versa-Lift. Their needs took this monstrous lift from the southern border of Alabama, to the east coast of South Carolina, throughout the heart of Georgia, and back again. Nearly a dozen movements, which equated to over twenty truck loads coordinated with permits, loading schedules, and routing- every load on-time and on-track. Couple these transportation challenges with shifting customer needs, and there arises an extreme scenario.
Luckily, A1 Hevi-Lift also operates an in-house transportation division that allows us to assure delivery, even in the most demanding time-frames. We exist to help our customers excel in their own endeavors, regardless of the challenges. Whether the job needs the massive 70 ton capacity 100/140 carried all over the southeast, or a 25/35 delivered for an afternoon rental down the street- A1 Hevi-Lift stands beside our customers to foster their success and advancement. Service, Versatility, and Reliability is guaranteed.